Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Celebrate Cruelty Free

It has been great reading other Cove Guardian blogs about the calm ocean and no killing in the cove. As the world takes their break from cruel actions that they possibly work at and/or witness they have to remember their dinner plate too.

Making a conscious choice takes a lot of re-training. Most of the western society has been brought up to have a meat and potatoes dinner - 1/3rd meat and 2/3rds carbs/veggies. We pretty well have to trash that whole training mode and start thinking protein is protein not protein is only meat - dead animals. Many celebrations that have happened around the world had a very abnormally large turkey or chicken at the front of their table. Its not large because that is natural for that animal but because governments have allowed the use of hormones and steriods to be pumped into these animals and obtain the most money by profit per pound. Its all business just like Taiji Bay.

We all can learn from the actions of Taiji where their business is to drive in dolphins, sell some to captivity as orphans because the rest are killed for food. Now yes these are wild animals and some would say that at least the government and/or corporations have not touched them with their hormones and steriods so they are the best to eat. However with the other government actions of allowing corporations to pollute around the world this has poisoned the world of water where the dolphins live. The mercury that has entered the food chain has saturated the predators of the sea with mercury that sometimes the female dolphins first off spring dies from breast feeding and intaking a very high amount of mercury. Mercury is a very dangerous element to humans and nonhuman beings on this planet.

A full year is almost done - 2010 - and everyday somewhere worldwide a person is becoming triggered for change. I say triggered because I know that everyone out there has a trigger to open their eyes and mind to the feelings of the animals. My trigger was the movie sharkwater and this year alone I have met over 40 people that were triggered by the movie "The Cove" because it went International. So as we make our way to the beginning of 2011 we can all take that trigger to a new level. By changing our own diets to cancel out cruelty from animals to the environment since they come hand in hand majority of the time.

In 2011 you can make a resolution to think and choose consciously with everything you buy and support. Every dollar spent to buy a product and/or animal supports the way it was made or raised. When your mind is alive once again it can see the darkness that hides behind the blanket of the packaging at your grocery store or retail store. Even in Taiji they mislabel the dolphin meat to read fish and/or whale. We have to force the governments to speak for the people and not bow down to the corporations that are dictating what we want as consumers. It is a tough path to follow but positive change takes effort that is rewarding and I believe making a wise consumer is worth it!

You can see my action of 2010 here - Artist for the Ocean 2010

Stay positive its the only energy that the darkness cannot extinguish!

The next and final event I have coming up is January 8th in Hamilton at the 3rd floor of Bizclip on #327 King Street West with the band AdvertEyes and Vegan Food cooked by a chef. You can view more details here: FACEBOOK R.S.V.P.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (

Wednesday, December 22, 2010




  1. [noun] a state of separation between persons or groups
  2. [noun] the act of isolating something; setting something apart from others
  3. [noun] a feeling of being disliked and alone
  4. [noun] preference for seclusion or isolation
  5. [noun] (psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which memory of an unacceptable act or impulse is separated from the emotion originally associated with it
Isolation comes into all situations good and/or bad.

The Warrior

A person who starts to change and feels the drive for change of a certain area that is negative to them. It could be an environmental, human, and/or non human issue but the change is a positive thought for action. When that seed is planted the warrior within will start to develop and this is when isolation starts to occur. The warrior on his/her development will start to be isolated by friends, family, and possibly co-workers. The warrior will also start to isolate his/her normal interactions after the feel of being isolated themselves. This reaction to someone standing their ground for change is normal to the "Normal Society" who tend to not stand up for what they believe in and at times stay shut down or follow the loud speakers of the group.

The development of the warrior makes them stronger as they struggle with every day interactions and learn to cope with no support. Its not an overnight change to completion but it is an overnight thought to fight for change. Most times there is no guidance since their are not many warriors amongst the "Normal Society" or the majority of the population on this planet. With no guidance the warrior needs to learn to be at one with isolation and learn to use it to his/her advantage. There are no right and/or wrongs on the developing stages but as long as the mind is positive for change then the actions on the stages will happen similar across the board.

Anyone can be a warrior and all warriors will feel the isolation from the public, friends, family and themselves. The isolation within has to help safe guard them from the horror that they see on a daily basis to give them the facts for their actions. Their actions mixed with facts is what justifies why they are doing it and helps educate the people who either ask, watch and/or are associated to the negative actions that need to be redirected positively.

Normal Society

These two words can be highly debated by minds for change. The normal society is just the majority living their lives blindfolded to what is actually happening. So they too are isolated from the actions of corporations and governments through many forms of advertisements. They also can choose to be isolated by knowing what is happening but do not want to speak about it and just live their lives amongst the majority so they fit in and are not questioned.

Many people are afraid of change and actually fear this action. Fear is a tactic used by many governments to deter change amongst their people. The government want to keep control and people want to live with peace that they learn to isolate themselves amongst the controlling nature of the government. To stay happy within control is to live without speaking and allow others to make your path to walk on.

Taiji - Japan

Within Taiji there are many acts of isolation.

With the Cove Guardians they have been isolated from their families, friends, and possibly the country inwhich they came. They are also isolated with the place for action and this is Taiji. Within Taiji they are isolated from the dolphin killers to the towns people. Worst of all they have to isolated their emotions in order to survive the duration of their stay so they can be strong for the other guardians, the dolphins and other cetaceans, and to show to the international public that they will not allow it to affect them but make them stronger.

With the dolphin killers they isolate their actions by the use of tarps, hill sides, and being a small group. I'm sure there are some Taiji towns people that have isolated the dolphin killers too for the shame they have brought to their quiet town. One large isolation for the dolphin killers and the towns people that know of the horrific acts is that they have isolated their emotions to care for the sentient beings that get driven into the cove to either be sold for captivity (prison) or to be slaughtered.

Last but not least the dolphins and cetaceans themselves. They are isolated from the life on land and isolated by communication to the human species. They also isolate other species to be in their pod and possibly other dolphin pods. What happens in Taiji is where they are forced to be isolated from freedom. They are driven into this cove where they are isolated and then further action is taken against their will. Some young dolphins are isolated from their mothers that desparately try and get at them. The act of isolation to any sentient being from human to nonhuman is all felt the same and needs to be looked upon it as such.

When we see a person amongst the towns people of Taiji stand up they will take on the levels of the warrior. They will be isolated from their family, friends, and government. They will start to develop to be a strong voice for change and be able to see this action as the repressed state of their town. The best thing for them is that they will have guidance from the international supporters and the local cove guardians. This new warrior will make history and start the ball rolling to grab the other ``Normal Society`` of Taiji to see a more positive outlook on how their town can be if the negative energy of the cove ends and positive energy comes into the cove. The changes will be outstanding and the people will smile again and the blanket of hate will disipate.

Stay positive its the only energy that the darkness cannot extinguish!

The next and final event I have coming up is January 8th in Hamilton at the 3rd floor of Bizclip on #327 King Street West with the band AdvertEyes and Vegan Food cooked by a chef. You can view more details here: FACEBOOK R.S.V.P.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (

Friday, December 17, 2010

"Change Is Hard But Good"

No matter which Country, city, or town you are in worldwide you see the same similar actions regarding animals. What I mean is that for an example Taiji has dolphin and whale statues all over their town and on vehicles and boats. Like the movie The Cove states "You would think they loved Dolphins and Whales". Well this happens worldwide with ALL animals. So to say this is a tradition in Taiji to kill dolphins and whales could not be more wrong when they really do not separate themselves from the norm to the rest of the world.

From television to retail stores you see a ton of stuffed animals that at most times are local recognizable animals. Like when I seen a stuffed animal with possum fur from New Zealand or a alligators head from Florida-USA or wolf fur from Canada. These animals exist in that region and are displayed in some manner from dead to look alike designs. At times these animals are killed and toys are made to represent the living animals with their fur or teeth or ivory horns. To me it just adds to the world of make belief.

We are speaking about "Business" and I don't know about you but I do not know too many "Honest" business men who would tell you the truth on their marketing. The Taiji Bay area has their hidden business gem that may bring in a bit of fast cash for the moment but "WHAT IF" after 24 years and 23,000 dolphins per year accounted for give or take a few hundred ran out. Of course its possible since the dolphins are being removed at an alarming rate and nothing is being put back. This makes it an unsustainable business and has a foreseeable end point.

Now, looking at the money they make on an annual hunt with sales going to marineland's, seaworld's and swim with dolphins worldwide. They do sell quite a bit at approximately $150,000 per dolphin which could get to the range of 75 Million if 500 dolphins were sold. Now this money does not go to the families of Taiji or even the fishermen and their families it goes right to the government. So, in an unsustainable business this amount of money will dry up because of the foreseeable end to the dolphins in this case. This is what I call very narrow-minded and greedy for the quick money without the thought of the impacts of the species and local habitat.Very negative I must add.

If we look at a more sustainable business with future plans that takes care of more than just the government then that would be tourism. Tourism has done so much for cities, towns, and countries worldwide. In the case of Taiji the town itself would flourish while more businesses probably could open up to handle the thousands of visitors. In this situation instead of killing these dolphins on a 6 month basis they could do dolphin and pilot whale watches that do extremely well worldwide allowing the animals to show positive enjoyment to the visitors and local people. They also have a beautiful conservation area which currently has gates, wire fences, tarps, and signs to keep people out and hide such a negative secret they are showing shame with. These restrictive objects would be removed and the pathways built would be used for what they were intended for in the first place and that is for people's enjoyment. Then bird watching, trail tours, and scuba diving to name a few more ideas. This would bring so much happiness to the people of Taiji and draw so much yearly revenue that would be sustainable for centuries to come.

I always say to people that "Change is Good But Hard". Now its hard because you have to get people to change their way of thinking at the moment. Its like an old saying here "You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks" being that "They Are Set In Their Ways" so to speak. I think this is wrong and anyone can change with a bit of guidance and knowledge. When you have to hide and barricade your actions then you are expressing your actions in a negative manner and the world can see a difference when a choice is made to a positive harmonious state. I do believe in Taiji and the local people will make this tough change from their way of thinking in the moment to a more prosperous and harmonious action of showing the live dolphins and whales in their 6 month season. This will allow the dolphins to be free and continue migrating by their town for centuries to come leaving their local town sustainable with tourism dollars.

Now we just have to get this message for tourism dollars to the people of Taiji so they can understand the positive impacts it will have for their own families. The majority of the town here does not participate with the actions of the killing of dolphins and whales but yet they are impacted financially. If we can get some amazing young entrepreneurs in Japan to see this positive change and speak to the locals it just may have an impact when 80% of the town wants the change especially business owners. They have the power but just need the knowledge.

The next and final event I have coming up is January 8th in Hamilton at the 3rd floor of Bizclip on #327 King Street West with the band AdvertEyes and Vegan Food cooked by a chef. You can view more details here: FACEBOOK R.S.V.P.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The New Activists Do Not Fit The Old Hippy Profile

I have been involved with Animal Action for over 2 years now and I am not shocked to see more woman involved than men. To bring yourself to doing selfless actions for animals it takes a person who really can feel and understand the other side. Most people see an "Activist" as a skinny little hippy-like person whining about change needed. I'm here to say that is not the case!

I am a person filled with tattoos and grew up in a very rough neighbourhood when I was younger. I totally do not fit the profile as a hippy-like Activist. I have always put myself in danger standing up for the underdog human when I was younger and now standing up for the underdog nonhuman. I have redirected the anger I had decades ago to a more positive life and direction for change. Becoming an activist and a voice for the voiceless matches me more than the hippy profile. However the hippy profile is a very successful strength to show a need for change away from money hungry corporations. Money is the drive here in the Cove and this is the source we need to stop and shut down while we educate the world to stop supporting the houses of captivity being the Seaworld's and Marineland's of the planet.

Yes I am a Vegan! Yes I am an Animal Activist!
I am not surprised to see over 80% or higher of woman in the movement to change the minds of people eating animals, supporting captivity, and ignoring the cruelty cast down on sentient beings. To see the new crew at the moment in Taiji Bay with 5 Woman Cove Guardians and no men is not surprising! It shows strength from a gender that does so much for positive change on this planet! I have deep respect for females putting out "Positive Action" for change away from cruelty and death of human and nonhuman animals. I am not sure why more men are not involved in speaking out for sentient beings - is it peer pressure, is it fear, is it selfishness, or maybe just plain ignorance. I have to say I am a man of a single mom bring up which may account for my connectedness and strength since my mom showed me then and now how powerful she is as a woman.What ever the reason I am happy to see the woman of the world stand up and show more strength than the strongest man on the planet by putting themselves in a dangerous situation for an animal - in this case its the dolphins and pilot whales.

Taken From Sea Shepherd Site

The new leader for SSCS Cove Guardian action is Libby and yes she is a strong woman. I will be happy to be at her side in January when I arrive in Japan to keep the dolphin killers in International Minds. This action will change when positive lights of energy from the never ending Cove Guardians that come from all parts of the world to show strength for the dolphins lives. With your help we can end this by telling everyone what is happening, by calling the Japanese Embassies and Consulates worldwide, and by being a voice for the voiceless on a daily basis! Thank you for all you do!

The next and final event I have coming up is January 8th in Hamilton at the 3rd floor of Bizclip on #327 King Street West with the band AdvertEyes and Vegan Food cooked by a chef. You can view more details here: FACEBOOK R.S.V.P.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Running Down A Mountain

Fear can stop many people from doing things in this world especially when it comes to an animal. The questions that family & friends attack you with are outrageous as if you're an idiot. The isolation of not being able to talk to anyone about the concerns you have and/or want to share to educate others. The lack of support for your uncontrollable thoughts of anger about the cruel treatment done to animals. Well just like anything in life you have to make it to the top of the hill from being informed and then start your walk down the hill. As you start the walk the hill starts to make you jog and then run and then you are full tilt towards what you thought would never come! This is what has happened to me on my journey to Taiji Bay ~ Japan.

When I put out the thoughts that I was thinking on being on the shores of Japan I never once thought I would have much support. I could visualize myself there standing with other compassionate people from around the world and the energy inside of me grew. As I started to emit this energy I started to attract like-minded people. I have had over 40 people thus far support me in many ways and its still growing! People want this cruelty to end as much as myself.

Vegan Bake Sale at Panacea - inset Bob & Jordyn Picture by Vanessa Sarges

So far I have had so many wonderful people on facebook alone support me right from the beginning and I have had 2 events. The picture above shows my second event "Vegan Bake Sale". My good friend Ken Bontius and Pamela from Panacea (Vegan Only Store) on #588 Bloor Street West and also a Director of ARK II - Animal Rights Kollective of Toronto graciously gave me space at the front of their store. So many beautiful ladies donated their time to bake some yummy vegan goodies for this event which was a total success. From cookies, cupcakes, macaroons to vegan Fudge they all sold. I also bought 2 Cove DVD's that are selling at Best Buy for $10 (Hint: christmas present) and sold them both as well! Many people came and bought little and left a large donation because the cause resonates within themselves to have it done for ever!

Up to this point I have sold 4 Framed Prints, 3 Regular Prints, and 2 Blood in the Ocean necklaces that have helped as well with this Journey. It all started with a thought that brought me to the top of a mountain and when I hit the bottom of this mountain I will be on the shores of Taiji Bay with about 100 people behind me giving me a large amount of strength. Please create positive thoughts for change and release them to the world so you to can make changes that really matter when a sentient being is being tortured and/or murdered. No one will know your thoughts if you choose to keep them to yourself.

The next and final event I have coming up is January 8th in Hamilton at the 3rd floor of Bizclip at #327 King Street West with the band AdvertEyes and Vegan Food. You can view more details here: FACEBOOK R.S.V.P.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (

Sunday, December 5, 2010

War Upon Animals

When I speak about animals being killed by the hands of people I try and explain that this is just like war! The war upon animals being slaughtered that cannot even defend themselves. I honestly don't see the difference of death. Death is the end of a life. Life is anything living and breathing. Millions or even Billions of animals are killed every year on this planet at the hands of the human species and to me its a war on the nonhuman in a murderous manner.

I found this article called:

"23 Seals Clubbed to Death in New Zealand"

And within this article there was one statement that was quoted and really stood out strongly to me regarding all animal slaughters in the world!

"To go around and club 23 seals to death over a number of days is very deliberate and you have to question the state of mind of someone who can carry out such a cruel and abhorrent attack," Wilkinson said in a statement."

There is so much in this statement that makes me wonder why people don't feel this for all animals and all slaughters! Especially here in Canada with the Seal Slaughters where fishermen go around and bash the 3 week old Harp Seals just for their fur. Is there any difference? Is there something better when a seal is killed for its fur to just being randomly killed? What about the slaughtering of cows by slitting their throats or bashing them in the head with a sledge hammer! Even horses with a bolt in the head or bullet! And of course a spear jabbed into the body of a dolphin!  To me war is war! Blood is blood! Human or nonhuman! They all feel the same as us with emotions of sadness, scared, shocked, frightened, and even compassion.

The following information from this article stated the penalty of the harming seals to other marine mammals. How can we get the rest of the world to make these penalties and stop making the animals apart of business?

"Under New Zealand law, killing or harming fur seals or other marine mammals incurs up to six months in prison or a fine of up to 250,000 New Zealand dollars (US$191,000)."

"A further fine of up to $7,600 for each marine mammal killed or harmed can also be imposed by the court."


Could you imagine the fines that would incur with all the slaughtering going on around the world! If we as regular people could hold the governments of the world to these laws and force them to change by fining and jailing them then that would truly be amazing! Something has to change! They need to be held accountable for their actions! The Canadian government is going around the world with Canadian's tax money fighting to keep up the mass genocide of Harp Seals on the Eastern Coast of Canada. Over 750,000 Canadians have either signed and/or called into the government to say they do not support this slaughter and still Harper will not stop.

I believe when the regular Japanese civilians find out what is happening on their coves with 23,000 dolphins murdered annually they will want this to stop! I believe the change will be a positive one.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"THE COVE" Guardian Fundraiser

I have to say this was one amazing night! It took a bit to come but on the days adding up to this night so many people came to me with support. I had many people contacting me to help from my two amazing hostess' Daria and Sweta, vegan sweets bakers, business gift certificates, and the 4 bands!

AdvertEyes Playing 3rd Set
Photo Taken by Christy Melanson

 The first band was Little Winter who started off the show with some acoustic New Zealand action of Jill Krasnicki. Then the all to greatest supporter Dyniss with his two piece band hit the lyrics that stick. We then were entertained by AdvertEyes from Guelph and they did one amazing job with thier 6 member band rocking the Supermarket in Toronto. After we did the auction of some of my art prints framed we then had the final very Loud Band called Solus who is an solo artist who hires people to play his creative music.

Here is a video of me speaking after AdvertEyes set and I speak about my upcoming journey to the Cove.

Sponsors for the event were Panacea, Sadies Diner, Snooters, and I Love Mom Tattoo Shop. However I have to say that my volunteers that helped as well put some amazing efforts out for this event with vegan sweets by Angeline I, Anne G, Christine O, Cassandra, Becky O & Mom, and Kirsten D. One person I cannot forget was my door girl who I had never met until this night and her name was Magenta!
I have had so many people outside of this night that have supported my journey for the dolphins and I want to say  thank you all so far! I will have an email out to all of you in the next few weeks. Hope you  will make it out to my vegan bake sale this Sunday ~ Dec. 5th at Panacea. Also the final fundraising launch party will be Jan. 8th in Hamiton and details to come soon. 

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (

Monday, November 29, 2010

Slaughter House of the Sea Has Glass Walls

As an artist I am always thinking of creative ways from my art to my action to educate people what is happening out of site and out of mind. The cove of Taiji Bay is different than most or pretty well all slaughterhouses in North America. The difference is that Taiji Bay is a slaughterhouse with glass walls - its open for everyone to view the Business.

It was Paul McCartney that stated "If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls - Everyone Would Be A Vegetarian". Well in this case in Japan this is a slaughterhouse and this is an opportunity to document the "Business" and expose it for what it is - a barbaric action. North America barbarically does this action too! However most of the slaughterhouses are infact that - a house or large building structure fenced in to keep out anyone not involved in the business. These slaughterhouses make it very tough to document the daily actions and when video/photos do come out of these businesses they show it is not humane at all!

So when someone questions that the "Cove Guardians" are doing nothing except documenting the slaughter that has already been documented then they miss the point. Every time this slaughterhouse of the sea is running it is new lives that swim within its mouth and new actions of cruelty that is exposed on this business. Since the Cove Guardians have been in Taiji they have witnessed actions that were not exposed in the movie "The Cove". They have witnessed dolphin trainers drowning dolphins trying to protect their families by holding them under the water. They have also witnessed large pilot whales driven into the cove and meet their death within minutes. Everyday are new lives, new situations, and new actions of barbarism by the dolphin molesters.

Another criticism that seems to happen against anyone speaking about animals is what about cows and chickens? Sadly cows, chickens, and pigs are raised and slaughtered at outrageous numbers and I am someone that does not approve of this action and I do not eat and/or wear animals. But this does not stop me from exposing other areas of my backyard - the world - that kills animals like this slaughterhouse of the sea. This to me is the responsibility of everyone on the planet to expose and stop the barbaric actions that occur. From my city to another country the lives being tortured and killed need to be told.

The comparison of land and sea or country to country is to show that we are not only focusing on the slaughter of dolphins and/or Japan itself but we are exposing where and how the barbaric action is happening. To educate people that this type of business goes on and why. As long as this business continues then the dolphonariums around the world will keep supporting this slaughterhouse in the sea and allow them to take the orphaned dolphins into captivity. Captivity is a word that has a background of blood and slavery and this is what I will expose while in Taiji Bay and share it with the world.

Paul McCartney's Movie "If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls - Everyone Would Be A Vegetarian" where you can watch it and download it to share to others.

Tonight is my first fundraiser so come by if you can!

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Exposing Young Minds To Reality

Today I went to the University of Toronto to speak to young adults in an Ethics Class. There were about 12 to 20 of them in this class.

My objective was to talk about how I became involved in Action for Animals and the path up to my journey to the Cove. My first question was "Has anyone seen the movie Sharkwater?" Now I asked this question since this is the movie that made me think and start to research more about the ocean while I painted the horrors I was encountering. Well, no one in the class has heard of the movie "Sharkwater" and I continued to ask another question "Has anyone seen the movie The Cove?" Only "ONE" person was aware of this movie but hadn't seen it yet. So to me this was the perfect audience I could speak my information to and hope to grab a few enlightened minds.

As I spoke about my own path which I find to be the best way to keep the attention of anyone not yet exposed to the darkness that makes this bubble work. After a few short words I played the last 18min of The Cove to show them what a slaughter looks like regarding my upcoming journey. When I watched the audience while the fishermen were barbarically spearing the dolphins all eyes were open and some were covering half their faces with scarfs in shock.

After the showing we spoke about how I changed my diet because if I was going to fight for animals then I shouldn't be eating them either! We spoke about the documentary Earthlings and how it was available online and they can easily search it out for Free. One student caught my eye prior to sharing some other documentaries because he was wearing a "Canadian Goose" Coat that clearly has Coyote/Wolf fur trim. At this moment I spoke about the documentaries with a brief description and Skintrade came to mind and I made it clear about the fur industry and the environmental impacts as well. The other documentaries I shared with them were End of the Line for Overfishing, Behind the Mask for Vivesection and added that U of T tested on animals too; Whale Wars and how Japan - Iceland - Norway continue killing them under a protection agreement, Lolita with Captivity, and last but not least the "World According To Monsanto's" regarding the  'Genetically Modified Organisms -GMO' and how a ton of chemicals are being put into the animals being slaughtered today.

There were some questions that questioned the ethics of any action. Like as we believe we're doing what we feel is right but then we find out that we are actually involved with the killing and destruction of so much. These questions came to light within my own life as I started to think about what I was learning from my own research. The best answer to this question is to do the best that you know while still learning and evolving to awareness of the reality that surrounds us in a blind fashion. Bursting the bubble of this B.S. world is what we all need to fulfill and expose while making changes with education for a positive non-cruel world where we live in harmony and balance with all the species that exist.

All in all this day was productive and another 12 to 20 people have been exposed to visuals and information that they were not exposed to yesterday. As I believe your actions today build on your actions and thoughts tomorrow. Be a strong support of Positive Change to stop the destruction and protect what this world has left.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Last night I showed the movie "The Cove" to start off my fundraising events to get myself to Taiji with the Sea Shepherd. We never had many people show but an opportunity came about because of the showing. A professor of the University of Toronto has an Ethics class every week and asked if I would be interested in speaking in his class about my journey and how I started on this pathway.

The last couple of years I have been stepping up my action for animals as I learn and find ways to do so. One main action I do is that every action I take I meet people that give me an opportunity to do more. I tend to take "Every Opportunity" that comes my way and if you know or have been following my actions you would know that I am always busy doing animal action. My advice to anyone doing action or wanting to do is "Take All Opportunities That Come Your Way Because They Will Lead To More Opportunities".

Some people will have fear to do some leadership acts but I and everyone you see doing some public speaking get nervous and at one time had fear to do so as well. My first time speaking in front of about 70 people was not a choice since someone had put my name down as a speaker for sharks without asking me. I contemplated for about an hour on what I was going to do but then said "I'm going to do it" and I did. Since then I stepped up my action to creating events that I was the speaker and now I have done more than I can count from hosting, speaking, interviews, etc. I feel the passion for action and change for all animals no matter which ones you're speaking about gives me the energy and strength to be a leader and I feel everyone has it in them.

Please take the opportunity when it comes knocking and the pathway in front of you will be more rewarding then any thought you could ever imagine! Being unselfish in your actions is priceless! Do it for the Animals!

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop:

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Good And Bad

Its amazing how there are great people who do great things and there has to be people who do nothing but bash their positive actions. The actions of good and bad can just be tiring on both sides.

As I build my journey to completion of making it to 'The Cove' and keeping this ocean slaughter house in Taiji out in the public eye I start to gain positive support and a negative crew also. I don't focus on these negative actions and give it more energy than it needs however I always wonder "Why" and cannot believe when its actual people on the animals side that are the culprits. Do these people know that any and every action for exposure and help is worth more than bashing and sitting on their ass. The energy wasted on attacking people doing positive action is so sad when that person(s) can be out doing what they feel helps the cause greatly.

I am the type of person who believes the world is my home and any place that has a problem is my problem. I have chosen to help animals as my fight and with the Sea Shepherd in Taiji Bay and the need for people to be present to keep the exposure at hand and I will do my best to support. My thoughts are always "Think Globally But Act Locally" and the locally part means "Anywhere" not where my home is located.

My school background is "Environmental Sciences" and I learned one key thing that goes to almost all situations - Reduce/Reuse/Recycle. Now these words can represent many meanings and I do not care for the Recycle or Reuse aspect in this solution but the REDUCE word states "FROM THE SOURCE". Taiji Bay is the source of cruelty in the act of slaughter, the act of captivity, and the act of human poisoning. Thus, in this case with the Taiji Bay ~ Japan dolphin slaughter, the "Think Globally" thought is that to stop the act of slaughtering is to have the locals and the government to state they don't want this anymore and to shut it down. In the act of the cruelty with Captivity, the exposure of daily actions by the Cove Guardians in the The Cove brings International attention and then makes the global public become aware. With the global public aware the chance is for them to stop supporting the marinelands/sea worlds of the planet and shutting down the "Supply And Demand" for captivity of marine animals.

So for anyone who thinks that myself and others going to support the Sea Shepherd as a "Cove Guardian"is a useless idea must first see how this really helps the situation and keeps it in the minds of the international public including the Japanese people who are still learning of this situation.

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10th, 2010

I was speaking to a Cove Guardian currently in Japan last night "Tarah Millen".

She gave me some good information for any future Cove Guardian's with trying to make it more affordable. The Guardians have built up 2 rice cookers and a blender now to make food in their rooms. So future guardians can bring dry food like lentils, beans, seeds & nuts, and spices. Other items that would be great to have is some utensils, garbage bags (they seem to not have any garbage areas in Taiji), and Vega. She told me that there is a company called Luna that has an unlimited supply of energy bars and all they have to do is reorder a supply and they are there immediately! Fruit and Rice are plenty and if you do eat out it can be around $10 up.

When arriving in Japan it is good to have money showing you can pay for food and board during your stay! So an amount equal to or more than $1000 would work and then in Japan's airport there is a currency converter. Its about 80 yen on the Canadian dollar. The hotel is approx. $48/night and the train you need to take from the airport is approx. $68 one way to the hotel. I will have some more details on how to get there soon when I check out some other Cove Guardian blogs on their experience.

One thing I did buy and suggest to any vegan who wants to travel to places around the world that has no english please go here:

Currently I have for fundraisers:

FREE "The Cove" Movie Showing
Wednesday, November 17th
University of Toronto
Bahen Centre room is 2195 (second floor)
40 St. George Street off College Street (and immediately south of
Russell Street)
7pm to 9:30pm

"The Cove" Guardian Fundraiser
Monday, November 29th
6:30pm to 11:30pm
The Supermarket
#268 Augusta Ave (Kensington Market)

Vegan Bake Sale
December 5th
#588 Bloor Street
1pm to 4pm

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 5th, 2010

Today I have set up a FREE movie showing of "The Cove" at the University of Toronto. I feel this journey is a lot to do with the awareness to the public that still has not seen the barbaric actions of these fishermen.

Wednesday, November 17th
University of Toronto
Location To Be Announced

I have decided to serve popcorn for the movie as a way to raise a bit of money but the Movie is FREE.

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4th, 2010

November 4th, 2010

Today I have finalized my Band line-up!

November 29th at 7:30pm to 11:30pm
$5 Dollars
The Supermarket
268 Augusta Ave
Toronto, ON M5T 2L9
(416) 840-0501



7:30pmish - Little Winter (Acousticl Jill Krasnicki Toronto Local)

8:15pmish - Dyniss (Local Toronto Band)

9:10pmish - Adverteyes (Becky Oxford's Band Guelph Band)

After Prizes Given Out
Solus (Peter Teng Toronto Local)

Facebook Event RSVP

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian

It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.

November 3rd, 2010

November 3rd, 2010

Today the fundraising still continues. I went to an Ocean Celebration today and it had Allana Mitchell my favourite author and a group called CPAWS. Well a lady who I met there - who infact told me about the event gave me a donation of $100 towards the journey. Her name is Liz Rice who does a lot with telling everyone about local Toronto Events regarding the very important issues - Vegetarian/vegan, environment, and/or human. Last night I spoke to Paul York about setting up a movie awareness/fundraiser of the movie "The Cove" at the University of Toronto. Probably November 17th I will be showing the movie and serving Popcorn for everyone for a small price.

 I aim to be a strong light of positive energy amongst the darkness that surrounds "The Cove of Taiji Bay!"

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian

It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.

November 2nd, 2010

November 2nd, 2010

Its been 6 days and I have raised approximately $380 from 8 people ~ Kim Jones, Jacqueline Bartelmo, Barbara Penley, Susan Morris, Chrissy Shanda, Sheree Jamison, Margaret Ross, and Matthew Campbell! I also want to thank my ladies that are baking vegan goodies for my event at the end of the month ~ Angeline Ico, Kirsten Dulmage, Cassandra Prince, Anne Griffin, Becky R, and Liz Rice. I thank you all for your help!
 I have just spoke to a journalist last night and I have set up an interview with him next week that will help get the story of my journey and the dolphin slaughter out to more people.

My fundraiser with bands, vegan sweets, and prizes/auction will be November 29th. I know its a Monday but its the only day I was able to grab at such short notice. My energy is very positive however and my direction is focused to be on the shore of Taiji Bay to support the dolphins and let the world know we care in Canada! 
You can find all the information for the event here on facebook:

If you're not on facebook then this is for you:
November 29th at 7:00pm to 11:30pm
$5 Dollars
The Supermarket
268 Augusta Ave
Toronto, ON M5T 2L9
(416) 840-0501

Items that will be available will be mentioned as they come in but I am putting up 6 prints for auction. It will be 3 prints and 2 of each being "Silver Bullet", "Fade To Black" and "Voyage of my Soul".

Bob Timmons
Future "Cove Guardian"

It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.

October 31st, 2010

 October 31st, 2010

Currently I have raised $360 in just a few short days which gives me hope that I may be going to Taiji Bay in December! The sooner the better I believe! More planning to do and prepare for this journey to do my part for the Dolphins that have lost their lives and to allow the free ones to keep their lives! This practice needs to end and the fisherman need to know that there is a lucrative business with tourist and nature! Taking people out on the ocean to see the dolphins living and swimming by is such an excitement that is shared mutually to the young and old.

Bob Timmons
Future "Cove Guardian"

It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.