Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jaques Cousteau's Grand-daughter In Toronto

February 22nd - 2011
Toronto- Canada
Alexandra Cousteau at the ROM

Just the other night I was honoured to listen to such a passionate and compassionate lady named Alexandra Cousteau. Alexandra is with National Geographic traveling around the world regarding water and the issues pertaining to fresh water. This is called "Expedition Blue Planet" and sponsored by National Geographic and RBC - Royal Bank of Canada.
We were privy to watch three short movies of Alexandra which the last one was about Toronto. The Toronto short movie was speaking about the lost creeks that once flowed to the lake with no restrictions. These creeks are now forced underground and mix with sewage, catch basin water, and discharge from homes. The home discharge is a big issue and a major problem that people need to understand and can make a very big change to the water quality. The end of the water coming from taps and drains of homes is the sewage plant which uses bacteria (bugs) to break down the organic material before its discharged to the lake and/or rivers which all lead to the ocean. What sadly happens here to some misbelief is the home owners that dump chemicals and pharmaceuticals down the drain end up either making it through the sewage treatment unchanged and affect the ecosystem and/or wind up in the next cities drinking water or it kills the bugs that do natural breakdown of the organic matter. The speech was fantastic and informative from Alexandra Cousteau.

Now after I bought my ticket to see such a wonderful lady I noticed that RBC was a sponsor to this "Expedition Blue Planet". I was saddened to hear this since I am well aware of an organization from California called RAN - Rainforest Action Network that has a water campaign going against them. The water campaign is about how RBC invests Billions of Dollars into the Tarsands of Alberta and only small Millions into water treatment in the Tarsands. The Tarsands takes fresh water from the nearby rivers and uses 3 barrels of freshwater to make 1 barrel of oil. Now this used water is very toxic afterwards and has killed hundreds of geese instantly when they landed on these toxic lakes. Also these lakes are leaching back into the local rivers and slowly poisoning the indigeneous people that live from them and then the water dumps into the Arctic Ocean. Alexandra stated that the Arctic area is 60% of Canada's fresh water too.

So then came question period when I was allowed to speak. I respect Alexandra and just gave her "Food for Thought" and explained to her about her RBC sponsor and the campaign against them regarding freshwater. To me it was like the drug dealer making very large donations to look good to the public but here its an extremely large bank sponsoring a water expedition everywhere but the area that they are causing the issue with their investment. Alexandra accepted this information and spoke a little bit about it in a very intelligent manner. She believes its up to the share holders to get involved and stop these negative investments and that not all corporations are perfect but can do a lot better with people speaking out.

After the talk I was able to speak to Alexandra and her business partner Johnathon about more on the Tarsands and they hope to be up there in the next couple years during their  Expedition Blue Planet and get the results of what is happening.

I have video of her speech below so you all can enjoy some it for yourselves and the "Food for Thought" I put out to her and the crowd.

This Video Is An Introduction Of Alexandra And Some Words Of Inspiration Of Her Speaking About Her Interactions With Her Grandfather - Jaques Cousteau & The Ocean

This Video I Was Able To Voice Some Awareness Of The Sponsor RBC And The Tarsands Environmental Disaster In Northern Alberta.

Go Here To Find Out More About Alexandra's "Expedition Blue Planet" Travels.

1 comment:

  1. Hello frames of the project, "Blue Planet" and lady Alexandra Cousteau .
