Wednesday, December 22, 2010




  1. [noun] a state of separation between persons or groups
  2. [noun] the act of isolating something; setting something apart from others
  3. [noun] a feeling of being disliked and alone
  4. [noun] preference for seclusion or isolation
  5. [noun] (psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which memory of an unacceptable act or impulse is separated from the emotion originally associated with it
Isolation comes into all situations good and/or bad.

The Warrior

A person who starts to change and feels the drive for change of a certain area that is negative to them. It could be an environmental, human, and/or non human issue but the change is a positive thought for action. When that seed is planted the warrior within will start to develop and this is when isolation starts to occur. The warrior on his/her development will start to be isolated by friends, family, and possibly co-workers. The warrior will also start to isolate his/her normal interactions after the feel of being isolated themselves. This reaction to someone standing their ground for change is normal to the "Normal Society" who tend to not stand up for what they believe in and at times stay shut down or follow the loud speakers of the group.

The development of the warrior makes them stronger as they struggle with every day interactions and learn to cope with no support. Its not an overnight change to completion but it is an overnight thought to fight for change. Most times there is no guidance since their are not many warriors amongst the "Normal Society" or the majority of the population on this planet. With no guidance the warrior needs to learn to be at one with isolation and learn to use it to his/her advantage. There are no right and/or wrongs on the developing stages but as long as the mind is positive for change then the actions on the stages will happen similar across the board.

Anyone can be a warrior and all warriors will feel the isolation from the public, friends, family and themselves. The isolation within has to help safe guard them from the horror that they see on a daily basis to give them the facts for their actions. Their actions mixed with facts is what justifies why they are doing it and helps educate the people who either ask, watch and/or are associated to the negative actions that need to be redirected positively.

Normal Society

These two words can be highly debated by minds for change. The normal society is just the majority living their lives blindfolded to what is actually happening. So they too are isolated from the actions of corporations and governments through many forms of advertisements. They also can choose to be isolated by knowing what is happening but do not want to speak about it and just live their lives amongst the majority so they fit in and are not questioned.

Many people are afraid of change and actually fear this action. Fear is a tactic used by many governments to deter change amongst their people. The government want to keep control and people want to live with peace that they learn to isolate themselves amongst the controlling nature of the government. To stay happy within control is to live without speaking and allow others to make your path to walk on.

Taiji - Japan

Within Taiji there are many acts of isolation.

With the Cove Guardians they have been isolated from their families, friends, and possibly the country inwhich they came. They are also isolated with the place for action and this is Taiji. Within Taiji they are isolated from the dolphin killers to the towns people. Worst of all they have to isolated their emotions in order to survive the duration of their stay so they can be strong for the other guardians, the dolphins and other cetaceans, and to show to the international public that they will not allow it to affect them but make them stronger.

With the dolphin killers they isolate their actions by the use of tarps, hill sides, and being a small group. I'm sure there are some Taiji towns people that have isolated the dolphin killers too for the shame they have brought to their quiet town. One large isolation for the dolphin killers and the towns people that know of the horrific acts is that they have isolated their emotions to care for the sentient beings that get driven into the cove to either be sold for captivity (prison) or to be slaughtered.

Last but not least the dolphins and cetaceans themselves. They are isolated from the life on land and isolated by communication to the human species. They also isolate other species to be in their pod and possibly other dolphin pods. What happens in Taiji is where they are forced to be isolated from freedom. They are driven into this cove where they are isolated and then further action is taken against their will. Some young dolphins are isolated from their mothers that desparately try and get at them. The act of isolation to any sentient being from human to nonhuman is all felt the same and needs to be looked upon it as such.

When we see a person amongst the towns people of Taiji stand up they will take on the levels of the warrior. They will be isolated from their family, friends, and government. They will start to develop to be a strong voice for change and be able to see this action as the repressed state of their town. The best thing for them is that they will have guidance from the international supporters and the local cove guardians. This new warrior will make history and start the ball rolling to grab the other ``Normal Society`` of Taiji to see a more positive outlook on how their town can be if the negative energy of the cove ends and positive energy comes into the cove. The changes will be outstanding and the people will smile again and the blanket of hate will disipate.

Stay positive its the only energy that the darkness cannot extinguish!

The next and final event I have coming up is January 8th in Hamilton at the 3rd floor of Bizclip on #327 King Street West with the band AdvertEyes and Vegan Food cooked by a chef. You can view more details here: FACEBOOK R.S.V.P.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (

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