Friday, December 17, 2010

"Change Is Hard But Good"

No matter which Country, city, or town you are in worldwide you see the same similar actions regarding animals. What I mean is that for an example Taiji has dolphin and whale statues all over their town and on vehicles and boats. Like the movie The Cove states "You would think they loved Dolphins and Whales". Well this happens worldwide with ALL animals. So to say this is a tradition in Taiji to kill dolphins and whales could not be more wrong when they really do not separate themselves from the norm to the rest of the world.

From television to retail stores you see a ton of stuffed animals that at most times are local recognizable animals. Like when I seen a stuffed animal with possum fur from New Zealand or a alligators head from Florida-USA or wolf fur from Canada. These animals exist in that region and are displayed in some manner from dead to look alike designs. At times these animals are killed and toys are made to represent the living animals with their fur or teeth or ivory horns. To me it just adds to the world of make belief.

We are speaking about "Business" and I don't know about you but I do not know too many "Honest" business men who would tell you the truth on their marketing. The Taiji Bay area has their hidden business gem that may bring in a bit of fast cash for the moment but "WHAT IF" after 24 years and 23,000 dolphins per year accounted for give or take a few hundred ran out. Of course its possible since the dolphins are being removed at an alarming rate and nothing is being put back. This makes it an unsustainable business and has a foreseeable end point.

Now, looking at the money they make on an annual hunt with sales going to marineland's, seaworld's and swim with dolphins worldwide. They do sell quite a bit at approximately $150,000 per dolphin which could get to the range of 75 Million if 500 dolphins were sold. Now this money does not go to the families of Taiji or even the fishermen and their families it goes right to the government. So, in an unsustainable business this amount of money will dry up because of the foreseeable end to the dolphins in this case. This is what I call very narrow-minded and greedy for the quick money without the thought of the impacts of the species and local habitat.Very negative I must add.

If we look at a more sustainable business with future plans that takes care of more than just the government then that would be tourism. Tourism has done so much for cities, towns, and countries worldwide. In the case of Taiji the town itself would flourish while more businesses probably could open up to handle the thousands of visitors. In this situation instead of killing these dolphins on a 6 month basis they could do dolphin and pilot whale watches that do extremely well worldwide allowing the animals to show positive enjoyment to the visitors and local people. They also have a beautiful conservation area which currently has gates, wire fences, tarps, and signs to keep people out and hide such a negative secret they are showing shame with. These restrictive objects would be removed and the pathways built would be used for what they were intended for in the first place and that is for people's enjoyment. Then bird watching, trail tours, and scuba diving to name a few more ideas. This would bring so much happiness to the people of Taiji and draw so much yearly revenue that would be sustainable for centuries to come.

I always say to people that "Change is Good But Hard". Now its hard because you have to get people to change their way of thinking at the moment. Its like an old saying here "You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks" being that "They Are Set In Their Ways" so to speak. I think this is wrong and anyone can change with a bit of guidance and knowledge. When you have to hide and barricade your actions then you are expressing your actions in a negative manner and the world can see a difference when a choice is made to a positive harmonious state. I do believe in Taiji and the local people will make this tough change from their way of thinking in the moment to a more prosperous and harmonious action of showing the live dolphins and whales in their 6 month season. This will allow the dolphins to be free and continue migrating by their town for centuries to come leaving their local town sustainable with tourism dollars.

Now we just have to get this message for tourism dollars to the people of Taiji so they can understand the positive impacts it will have for their own families. The majority of the town here does not participate with the actions of the killing of dolphins and whales but yet they are impacted financially. If we can get some amazing young entrepreneurs in Japan to see this positive change and speak to the locals it just may have an impact when 80% of the town wants the change especially business owners. They have the power but just need the knowledge.

The next and final event I have coming up is January 8th in Hamilton at the 3rd floor of Bizclip on #327 King Street West with the band AdvertEyes and Vegan Food cooked by a chef. You can view more details here: FACEBOOK R.S.V.P.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (

1 comment:

  1. “We do not need to reflect too long before we realize that all beings spontaneously look for happiness and try to avoid suffering.” – Dalai Lama

    “And those who dismiss love for our fellow creatures as mere sentimentality overlook a good and important part of our humanity. But it takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal. And it is actually within us to grant them a happy life and a long one.” – Joaquin Phoenix | quote from EARTHLINGS
