Monday, June 25, 2012

Fundraiser to get "WATER for ANIMALS"

 It's a precious resource that not only we need, our children need but life around the world desperately needs, its WATER. Water has become an issue at Horse RR Refuge since their WELL has completely gone DRY and with over 700 animals it now has to be trucked in, and this is expensive. 

Refuge RR for Horses in Alexandria, Ontario is located on the Ontario-Quebec border and not only has Horses but there are over 700 animals at this location! This is the largest Farm Animal Sanctuary in Canada but with no Government Funding. From horses, cats, dogs, goats, chickens, ducks, pigs, to even more animals that are saved and rescued daily!"

There is only "ONE LADY" who runs the show and she is an Angel to these animals!
 Rose at RR Refuge

Rose is her name and on a daily basis she is not only taking care of her own sanctuary of animals but she receives phone calls daily to take in abused, sick, or displaced animals in need of help! Rose will not turn down any animals! She then brings them to be Vet Checked and after they are healthy she will adopt them out by signing an adoption contract stating that if you can no longer care for the animal it comes back to the sanctuary!

Recently Rose has taken in 27 unwanted cats that were at a "So-Called" Cat Rescue, she heard about them and with no hesitation she took them into her happy sanctuary. She had them vet checked and noticed one of the cats had a hole in its stomach with maggots coming out. She rushed her to the emergency and had the cat worked on so she can be healthy again. Then the following day she rescued two starving dogs found on a highway. All of this was just this past weekend.

Now the Refuge RR for Horses is run on Rose's energy and compassion but we all know that cannot feed and care for these animals. DONATIONS is the only income for this incredible sanctuary and WATER in the WELL is DRY! Rose has been trucking water into the property for months now while trying to locate a new plot of land that is affordable and can house all the animals. Until then we need to help with the CARE OF THE ANIMALS through donating!

We want to raise $10,000 over these 

* Donations are tax deductible through Horse RR Refuge *
Please go here to donate: DONATE to "SUMMER SIZZLING MONTHS" 
and in the message area state ""SUMMER SIZZLING MONTHS" 
so we know its for this fundraiser! 

If you would like to be a SPONSOR please go here (SPONSOR PLEASE) and fill the form and be sure to put on the form "SIZZLING SUMMER MONTHS" to attach the donation to the Fundraiser here.

Together We Can Do It!

Follow the Thermometer Reach the GOAL of $10,000 here:

Make your donation count in our own personal way:

- Feed for a day/week for a PIG: Donate $50/$350
- Feed for a day/week  for a HORSE: Donate $75/$525
- Feed for a day/week for a Chicken: Donate $25/$175
- Feed for a day/week for a dog/cat: Donate $10/$75
- Water for a day / week / month Donate: $100 / $700 / $3000
- Veterinarian Care for Day /Week /Month Donate: $100/ $650 / $2500

Caring for animals is a daily effort and a public action when they are housed in a Sanctuary. Rose needs help during these Summer Sizzling Months.

If you can donate a few dollars it all helps us reach our GOAL and if you can do an event to raise AWARENESS & DONATIONS please tell us about it! We want your story on how you raised the money and send photos/video to share to ""
Have a lemonade stand, car wash day, collect beer bottles, Bake Sale, collect pennies, sell your art, have a battle of the bands, whatever it is please share! We have a few months to reach our goal and I know you all can help!

Now to help get you motivated to be involved with this great fundraiser
I want to let you know there will be THREE TOP $$ MONEY RAISERS $$

First Prize - Worth $300
Second Prize Worth $200
Third Prize Worth $100

The prizes will be adjusted over the Summer Sizzling Months and will be awarded
only after we reach our Goal of $10,000 or over $7500 by September 15th, 2012.

Please join into the Fun to get "WATER FOR ANIMALS!"

Horse RR Refuge will also welcome donations of the following:
Building & fencing materials (new or used), Services of: Veterinarians, blacksmiths, carpenters, etc, .Animal feed, hay, and fresh produce, Straw & shavings, Comfy pet beds, Horse blankets, Feed & water buckets.
They can be mailed to:
21305 Concession 10 RR 2,
Alexandria ON, Canada
K0C 1A0

Thank you all for helping us in this time of NEED for these Animals! Water is a vital necessity for all living beings and with over 700 plus lives we need your support in any way you can - sharing, donating, raising awareness about Horse RR Refuge.

Thank you All!

Bob Timmons

Co-Host for Herbivores - Animal Frequency Show

Ontario Regional Coordinator for Sea Shepherd 

 Willy & Mikey at Refuge RR

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