Friday, August 17, 2012

Now who "LOVES" Marineland - Cruelty Exposed by Trainers

Marineland Inventory as per ZooCheck

The cruelty within the past 6 (1951) decades has been hidden very well but local activists have been fighting to expose it almost as long as Marineland has been standing. Many wild animals have been captured, orcas, dolphins, sea lions, belugas, bears, deers, etc just for exploitation not education. As the song says on every radio station and television channel commercial is that "EVERYONE Loves Marineland"! Well if you have been reading the Toronto Star this week you will definitely know now that the animals do not love Marineland as well as former trainers.

Below are the three newspapers that came out this week in a row! Please follow the links on the titles to read the entire story from Toronto Star:

Front Page Toronto Star "INSIDE MARINELAND" August 15th, 2012

Front Page Toronto Star "SHE FINALLY DIED IN OUR ARMS" August 16th, 2012

Front Page Toronto Star "MARINELAND FACES SPCA INSPECTION" August 17th, 2012

There is a massive demonstration tomorrow, August 18th at 12:00pm infront of Marineland to help educate anyone deciding to enter the business where the animals are truly suffering. The Toronto Star has also tweeted that they will be supplying the Demonstrators tomorrow with the Newspapers of Marineland.

According to the Toronto Star articles Phil Demers was working at Marineland for 12 years and recently quit due to deteriation of the animals health. The water quality was bad due to equipment failures and no one getting them fixed. This had extreme issues to the Sea Lions eyes causeing blindness and horrific issues to the mammals that had to stay in the stagnant water like the dolphins and orcas which said their skin was flaking off in chunks. Most of this initial news was in the past year and off-season.

The evidence has been ongoing through Zoocheck Canada over a decade of information documenting the deaths, capture, and suffering. Still no laws have been implemented in Ontario to protect these animals.

If you watch this movie "A Fall From Freedom" that is free on Youtube you will see the brutal violence on capturing these animals for the water cages. This  movie also exposes an orca that was named "Junior" by activists after a lady exposed the evidence of him being housed in a warehouse pool within Marineland's property since he could not get along with other captive orcas. He was alone for a long while then a lone dolphin became his friend prior to him passing on without seeing family, sunlight, and even touched for almost 5 years. His death was never exposed to the public since there are no laws in place to do so!



Laws need to be made regarding the protection of animals in Zoos and Aquariums for Ontario and in order to do this we need support from Canadians. Pressure is needed now more than ever to create these laws and I have found some information to help below. Please share far and wide!

 First please share and attend the Marineland Massive Demonstration tomorrow at Noon!  

Join MAD - Marineland Animal Defense here:

Contact Dalton McGuinty to put pressure on the Provincial Government to create a Provincial Law to protect the wellbeing of the animals within these establishments, stop the import of animals, and stop the breeding of these wild animals. Tell him you are very concerned about the lack of Rules, Regulations and oversights of Zoos, Menageries, and Aquariums in Ontario.

Contact your Ontario MPPs and get them involved to create LAW(s) as mentioned above.

Contact the OSPCA for your complaints regarding Marineland and demand regular surprise visits on the said Marineland property. Please email complaints to OSPCA  and Niagara Falls Humane Society and "CC" Zoocheck

OSPCA Website:
 OSPCA Affiliate - Niagara Falls Humane Society email

Contact CAZA - The Canadian Association of Zoos & Aquariums
National director Bill Petersoronto


Also a future Captive Industry is being built in Toronto for Summer of 2013 named "Ripley's Aquarium of Canada" and I would like you to sign and share the following petition that will be presented to the Toronto City Council to not permit the wild caught protected Sand Tiger Sharks from South Carolina.

Shark petition

Join TARA - Toronto Aquarium Resistance Alliance to follow action:

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