Sunday, August 5, 2012

Suffering Seagull, Newfoundland MP says use a Hakapik

It all started only a few days ago at the St. Patrick's Church in St. John's, Newfoundland. A seagull somehow landed and impaled one wing onto a sharp spike like bar and was not able to free him/herself. The severity of the wound is unknown since the seagull is still on the roof and has had no personal contact.

The story of this seagull hit the CBS News after a preist of the church was left with no one to help. He had called the local SPCA, Fire Department, Wildlife Centre, and Local Government which they all stated it was a Federal Issue. The preist had no choice but to go to the media for help.

Local concerned citizens wanted to use a regular ladder but if you see the video it is a very steep and high roof that the preist had to decline due to someone getting hurt and suing the church.

A cry for help from a Facebook user, Melanie Blake, to her friend Lisa Chansky of Durham, N. Carolina got the ball rolling. Lisa notified  me and others of the situation and I gathered my information to post for global help and help I did receive! Many people from across Canada and the world for that matter got on board and started to phone the church, the Wildlife Centre, the SPCA, and the Fire Department. Only the Fire Department answered stating they were waiting on the SPCA and the Wildlife Centre to help.

Scott Andrews tweeted this reply "gulls are like seals.. no one would miss one.. get a hakapik and put it out of his misery."

Further to the support we came upon Twitter and a local Politician named Scott Andrews, a local Liberal MP. A concerned Canadian from P.E.I tweeted him asking for his help regarding a suffering seagull. His reply was nothing but appropriate for this sensitive matter. Scott Andrews tweeted this reply "gulls are like seals.. no one would miss one.. get a hakapik and put it out of his misery." Another concerned Canadian from Montreal replied "I would miss them. You need to learn compassion. "MP".

After I received word regarding the MP Andrews Tweet I decided to go further and question Bob Rae the Liberal Party leader what he thought about this public statement and how it fit with the Liberal Values. I am learing fast how powerful twitter is and how many upstanding public figures forget that when words are put out they cannot take them back.

The morning of August 5th many individuals posted to the SPCA St.John's page and a reply was given "The SPCA has not been involved in this situation but I am making inquiries into this and we'll post when we have more info." The Church preist phoned them on Thursday August 2nd making this the 3rd day the seagull has been suffering and possibly bleeding to death. With extreme heat temperatures this week and on a metal roof this must be intolerable for any living being.

Now we wait for news from the SPCA's move on this matter. Please check my Facebook page for any updates at Artist for the Ocean

by Bob Timmons

Action you can do:

Injured wildlife in NFLD are supposed to be reported to the NFLD Department of Environment and Conservation. The Minister is Terry French. (709) 729-2577.

Regarding MP Scott Andrews' Tweet:

Contact the Canadian MP - Scott Andrews
on Twitter @ScottAndrewsMP
by Email:
By Phone Toll Free: 1-866-883-3424

Contact the Liberal Party's Leader - Bob Rae
On Twitter: @BobRaeMP
By Email:
Phone: 1-416-954-2222
Fax: 1-416-954-9649

Regarding incompetence of saving the Seagull:

Contact the City's Mayor - Dennis O'Keefe
by Email:

Speak to the local SPCA: (1) 709-726-0301
Facebook Page:


Thank the Church for doing their best to help and moving forward to alerting CBS News: (1) 709-754-1195


  1. In the video I saw more spikes on the roof and wonder if these are bird spikes to prevent the birds from landing and pooping on the roof. This type of bird spike should be totally banned. They used the same type of thing this year at the University of Idaho Couer d'Alene campus in Washington to prevent geese from nesting there and the geese were landing and stepping on them....and for a heavy goose trying to lift up and get off them was no easy feat either and it wasn't until there were a lot of complaints these stupid cruel things were removed.

  2. Actually the spike is a lightning rod to prevent lightning strikes. This same incident occurred 2 years ago in Halifax, NS but the Fire Dept. reacted immediately rescuing the seagull.

  3. I have been tweeting this and will be sending formal complaints to MP's office and party leader's office. It's disgraceful that the City, local SPCA and other organizations have let this go on for days and days with absolutely zero action. I'm very ashamed. Whether or not you love animals is not the question. It's about compassion, aid and doing the right thing for a living being that is trapped and suffering. Keep spreading this news, Cove Guardian!

  4. Injured wildlife in NL are supposed to be reported to the NL Department of Environment and Conservation. The Minister is Terry French. (709) 729-2577.
