Sunday, July 10, 2016

#BucketList - Sea Turtle Laying Eggs... Check! [VIDEO]

Do you have a BUCKET LIST??

Do you have a BUCKET LIST??
If not get one started now! Write as many as you can! Think deeply about them! These are items that will truly make you feel amazing! Deep desires, emotional connection, and motivational items!

Get started now!

I have created a #Bucketlist of just over 100 items of thrilled excitement! One amazing event I was able to Check Off last night was to see a mother Sea Turtle that layed her eggs and was heading back into the ocean. Wow what a spiritual moment in my eyes to see a marine animal that takes over 20yrs to become sexually mature to have offspring and then only comes out once per year to lay her clutch of eggs. To witness this extraordinary event is priceless!

I managed to be on this beach because I volunteer with a group of passionate individuals that give their time to help ensure these endangered species make it to the ocean. The Baby Sea Turtles need to be guided at times when they become disoriented due to human beach development that will not change their lighting to stop the babies from going the wrong direction. 

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