Thursday, November 25, 2010

Exposing Young Minds To Reality

Today I went to the University of Toronto to speak to young adults in an Ethics Class. There were about 12 to 20 of them in this class.

My objective was to talk about how I became involved in Action for Animals and the path up to my journey to the Cove. My first question was "Has anyone seen the movie Sharkwater?" Now I asked this question since this is the movie that made me think and start to research more about the ocean while I painted the horrors I was encountering. Well, no one in the class has heard of the movie "Sharkwater" and I continued to ask another question "Has anyone seen the movie The Cove?" Only "ONE" person was aware of this movie but hadn't seen it yet. So to me this was the perfect audience I could speak my information to and hope to grab a few enlightened minds.

As I spoke about my own path which I find to be the best way to keep the attention of anyone not yet exposed to the darkness that makes this bubble work. After a few short words I played the last 18min of The Cove to show them what a slaughter looks like regarding my upcoming journey. When I watched the audience while the fishermen were barbarically spearing the dolphins all eyes were open and some were covering half their faces with scarfs in shock.

After the showing we spoke about how I changed my diet because if I was going to fight for animals then I shouldn't be eating them either! We spoke about the documentary Earthlings and how it was available online and they can easily search it out for Free. One student caught my eye prior to sharing some other documentaries because he was wearing a "Canadian Goose" Coat that clearly has Coyote/Wolf fur trim. At this moment I spoke about the documentaries with a brief description and Skintrade came to mind and I made it clear about the fur industry and the environmental impacts as well. The other documentaries I shared with them were End of the Line for Overfishing, Behind the Mask for Vivesection and added that U of T tested on animals too; Whale Wars and how Japan - Iceland - Norway continue killing them under a protection agreement, Lolita with Captivity, and last but not least the "World According To Monsanto's" regarding the  'Genetically Modified Organisms -GMO' and how a ton of chemicals are being put into the animals being slaughtered today.

There were some questions that questioned the ethics of any action. Like as we believe we're doing what we feel is right but then we find out that we are actually involved with the killing and destruction of so much. These questions came to light within my own life as I started to think about what I was learning from my own research. The best answer to this question is to do the best that you know while still learning and evolving to awareness of the reality that surrounds us in a blind fashion. Bursting the bubble of this B.S. world is what we all need to fulfill and expose while making changes with education for a positive non-cruel world where we live in harmony and balance with all the species that exist.

All in all this day was productive and another 12 to 20 people have been exposed to visuals and information that they were not exposed to yesterday. As I believe your actions today build on your actions and thoughts tomorrow. Be a strong support of Positive Change to stop the destruction and protect what this world has left.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.


  1. Hi Bob,

    Great blog, so cool that you went to talk to students..may I ask how you got your foot in the door to have that discussion?
    I am heading to the cove for 3 weeks in March, and I am trying to expose everyone possible to the Cove and the horrors that happen there.
    Im interested in some of your ideas..I see you're going to a grocery store. Awsome idea!
    Great job! When do you plan on heading to Japan?

  2. The professor came to my "Cove" showing and was inspired about the movie and my journey to Taiji. No it wasn't a grocery store it was a bar called "Supermarket" that I had 4 bands play and auctioned off 4 framed prints of mine. The night was a success :) You can see my talk here:
