Monday, November 29, 2010

Slaughter House of the Sea Has Glass Walls

As an artist I am always thinking of creative ways from my art to my action to educate people what is happening out of site and out of mind. The cove of Taiji Bay is different than most or pretty well all slaughterhouses in North America. The difference is that Taiji Bay is a slaughterhouse with glass walls - its open for everyone to view the Business.

It was Paul McCartney that stated "If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls - Everyone Would Be A Vegetarian". Well in this case in Japan this is a slaughterhouse and this is an opportunity to document the "Business" and expose it for what it is - a barbaric action. North America barbarically does this action too! However most of the slaughterhouses are infact that - a house or large building structure fenced in to keep out anyone not involved in the business. These slaughterhouses make it very tough to document the daily actions and when video/photos do come out of these businesses they show it is not humane at all!

So when someone questions that the "Cove Guardians" are doing nothing except documenting the slaughter that has already been documented then they miss the point. Every time this slaughterhouse of the sea is running it is new lives that swim within its mouth and new actions of cruelty that is exposed on this business. Since the Cove Guardians have been in Taiji they have witnessed actions that were not exposed in the movie "The Cove". They have witnessed dolphin trainers drowning dolphins trying to protect their families by holding them under the water. They have also witnessed large pilot whales driven into the cove and meet their death within minutes. Everyday are new lives, new situations, and new actions of barbarism by the dolphin molesters.

Another criticism that seems to happen against anyone speaking about animals is what about cows and chickens? Sadly cows, chickens, and pigs are raised and slaughtered at outrageous numbers and I am someone that does not approve of this action and I do not eat and/or wear animals. But this does not stop me from exposing other areas of my backyard - the world - that kills animals like this slaughterhouse of the sea. This to me is the responsibility of everyone on the planet to expose and stop the barbaric actions that occur. From my city to another country the lives being tortured and killed need to be told.

The comparison of land and sea or country to country is to show that we are not only focusing on the slaughter of dolphins and/or Japan itself but we are exposing where and how the barbaric action is happening. To educate people that this type of business goes on and why. As long as this business continues then the dolphonariums around the world will keep supporting this slaughterhouse in the sea and allow them to take the orphaned dolphins into captivity. Captivity is a word that has a background of blood and slavery and this is what I will expose while in Taiji Bay and share it with the world.

Paul McCartney's Movie "If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls - Everyone Would Be A Vegetarian" where you can watch it and download it to share to others.

Tonight is my first fundraiser so come by if you can!

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (, and you can also attend my "Taiji Bay Bound For The Dolphins Fundraiser" at The Supermarket on November 29th.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing you in Taiji, Bob. Keep pressing on!
