Sunday, December 5, 2010

War Upon Animals

When I speak about animals being killed by the hands of people I try and explain that this is just like war! The war upon animals being slaughtered that cannot even defend themselves. I honestly don't see the difference of death. Death is the end of a life. Life is anything living and breathing. Millions or even Billions of animals are killed every year on this planet at the hands of the human species and to me its a war on the nonhuman in a murderous manner.

I found this article called:

"23 Seals Clubbed to Death in New Zealand"

And within this article there was one statement that was quoted and really stood out strongly to me regarding all animal slaughters in the world!

"To go around and club 23 seals to death over a number of days is very deliberate and you have to question the state of mind of someone who can carry out such a cruel and abhorrent attack," Wilkinson said in a statement."

There is so much in this statement that makes me wonder why people don't feel this for all animals and all slaughters! Especially here in Canada with the Seal Slaughters where fishermen go around and bash the 3 week old Harp Seals just for their fur. Is there any difference? Is there something better when a seal is killed for its fur to just being randomly killed? What about the slaughtering of cows by slitting their throats or bashing them in the head with a sledge hammer! Even horses with a bolt in the head or bullet! And of course a spear jabbed into the body of a dolphin!  To me war is war! Blood is blood! Human or nonhuman! They all feel the same as us with emotions of sadness, scared, shocked, frightened, and even compassion.

The following information from this article stated the penalty of the harming seals to other marine mammals. How can we get the rest of the world to make these penalties and stop making the animals apart of business?

"Under New Zealand law, killing or harming fur seals or other marine mammals incurs up to six months in prison or a fine of up to 250,000 New Zealand dollars (US$191,000)."

"A further fine of up to $7,600 for each marine mammal killed or harmed can also be imposed by the court."


Could you imagine the fines that would incur with all the slaughtering going on around the world! If we as regular people could hold the governments of the world to these laws and force them to change by fining and jailing them then that would truly be amazing! Something has to change! They need to be held accountable for their actions! The Canadian government is going around the world with Canadian's tax money fighting to keep up the mass genocide of Harp Seals on the Eastern Coast of Canada. Over 750,000 Canadians have either signed and/or called into the government to say they do not support this slaughter and still Harper will not stop.

I believe when the regular Japanese civilians find out what is happening on their coves with 23,000 dolphins murdered annually they will want this to stop! I believe the change will be a positive one.

Please contact your closest Japanese Embassy/Consulate and let them know you do not approve and want the dolphin slaughter to stop: Stop The Slaughter

Bob Timmons
Future Cove Guardian
It was a couple of years ago that I first learned about Taiji Bay aka "The Cove" when I did a painting that I called "The Rising Sun Exposes The Guilt". Now I have an opportunity to do more and this is becoming a "Cove Guardian" with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Taiji Bay, Japan.
 I have started to organize ways to raise some money and awareness about this decision I have made and you can donate and share on facebook,  , Paypal (

1 comment:

  1. Good morning and thanks for all that you are doing for our "friends"! Thanks for the updates....I will Share this info w/my FB friends and others!
