Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mass Gathering Against Captivity - Miami or Bust

When I see the animal protest back in the 70's its filled with hundreds of passionate people to force an end to animal suffering. People back then did not have a television in every room, a computer, more than one car if at all, cell phones, video games, DvD's, etc. These people were more intune to what was happening because there was no distraction of entertainment like there is today!

Today almost every living human in the wealthy countries has a cell phone or two. Their children have cell phones at the age of 7 years old in some households. Technology has taken over our minds and we forget about what is around us outside. When I was younger we were kicked outside from the morning until the evening. Children today sit in their homes and play video games, hang out on the internet keeping in touch with their movie stars, and all the while there is suffering going on by big corporations on millions of living beings that make up this world "Planet Earth". Our planet has become a factory itself by millions of corporations that feed on it only to grow stronger a few very large corporations. It seems that the top few that control are banks, pharmaceuticals, monsantos (food control), and oil all play the world with strings and as long as we do not come together in a mass and fight they get stronger and this planet gets weaker. Its time to mass together, stand up and be heard!

Our protesting has been weak from the 70's to now - 40 years later. I thought it should have gotten stronger to keep what they won back then which is now being taken away by governments. Last year the IWC was looking at allowing 10,000 whales to be killed. George Bush was deregulating environmental protection on his last month of power. All of these took years of pressure from passionate people who new the importance of what a living being from an animal, human to a tree or body of water. It probably took 20 years to gain most of these protecting laws for people, animals, and the environment but when we relax thinking its done allows them to come back! Just like the Canadian Seal Hunt that once was finished and then came back even stronger when people weren`t looking. It happens and it has to end!

The population today has increased massively while the trees, wild animals, and rivers have decreased substantially. This offset of balance of life has brought us to so many more issues like the ocean having a dated death sentence of 2048, ice caps melting, polluted fresh and salt water, billions of starving people while we farm millions of animals abnormal to a way of their natural lives. All the while other countries are obese and the household waste is accumulating eroneously! People would take all of this as separate issues but I don`t! I learn about every angle I can from conspiracy to facts regarding past, present and future plans of action with this world. From this information I can make a more intelligent thought and plan of action.

I believe the time is Now! Everyday we pass by is another day lost to a strong force coming together! I'm speaking about our 2011 International Grassroots Action Plan! No names, no organizations, no labeling! Just passionate people coming together to demand a change to stop this Environmental destruction, pollution of water-land-air, to stop development into the wilderness - land and sea, and to take back control! Its like we have been asleep on the wheel for the last 40 years as a mass movement. If we do not start now then when!

We have become experiments on this planet with the drugs they pump into animals, drinking water, soil, etc. The banks loan out money for technology to take or make more from the open ocean to the farms of millions`s of animals. Then the pharmaceutical companies come in with their drugs to make the animal abnormally grow large which then needs drugs to stop any sickness or abnormal infections that incurrs. This is the puppet master forcing us to play the game and it has to end with all of us coming together. From one issue to the next we must stand in a mass gathering! We must be present in numbers with our demands for the world to see! We must be noticed from here on out!

So I want everyone to join me in Miami regarding Captivity! This is a worldwide issue and needs to end now! I have chosen Miami since Shelby Proie has brought the lonely female orca named Lolita to international attention. Shelbys efforts have been amazing the last couple of years and I believe Lolita is an Icon of what Captivity can do to an animal. We need people to come from anywhere and everywhere! Bring their flags of the state they live in; and the country their from to show we are much larger than Miami - we are the world!

I am looking for a Mass Gathering in Miami however this world is huge and International attention is needed! So please share this Event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=160505420671014 and lets start the foundation of passionate strength to tackle the horrors together as an International Grassroots Action! Lets use that Internet that takes people to another world of games to actually use it to make us 100 times stronger and more powerful than the people in the 70s.! We have the technology to be powerful! Are you with me to take back this planet starting with Lolita and Captivity!

Sunday - April 3rd
Miami Seaqaurium, Miami
1pm to 3pm

If you email me your event that you decide to host anywhere in the world on this day I will also send you another idea I will be releasing closer to the date.

This video is from this past season of Taiji Bay - Japan where the violence and slaughter is the source to captivity for most marine animals around the world! We need to stop this Now!

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